Geeza Who?
The Bouncer Whisperer Report
Thursday, 27 March 2014
A little bit of boredom mixed with some creative insanity goes a long way.
I love the way a meme spreads like doubt at an AGANG SA rally, so when I saw the original poster for The Wolf Of Wall Street I couldn't resist milking it for all it's worth.
Memes go from simple to witty to even thought provoking. My favourites are the downright ridiculous.
So nothing could beat using myself as the subject matter for a ridiculous meme.
How could Leonardo DiCaprio or even Jordan Belfort himself even compete with the swag of my his and hers Toyota Quantums, strippers and my "crew" sipping on Joburg's finest traditional ale.
Internet memes, like the speed on my Quantum, have no limits.
I mean look what I put together using Microsoft Paint and my ridiculously good looks :-)
The Wolf of Small Street appreciates your acknowledgement and applause.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
I love KFC
I wrote this to KFC and they are sending me vouchers for two months worth of free chicken, thought you might enjoy it. - Mpho Mabitsela
I have, over the years, enjoyed chicken in a large number of your
stores, and I must commend you and your franchisees for the consistently high
Whether I got to the Centurion store
on Old JHB road (my favourite store, thanks for the 24 hour thing, it rocks) or
the one in Potchefstroom, I'm always happy.
There is a store that is bucking that
trend however, the KFC on President Street Johannesburg is, please excuse my
language, the vas deferens to your otherwise excellent body of work.
- The wait to procure what is already
sitting in the window is Chicken Licken-esque (I know, low blow, but
truth is truth). It's unacceptable to wait that long, especially if the chicken is not freshly prepared.
- And now it dawns on me that I made
my next point in my last point; please excuse my erratic writing, I love KFC and
these guys are killing it for me, I'm emotional.
It seems the President Street store
is pioneering KFC Biltong. The quality of the chicken there is Hungry Lion-esque (again, low blow, but
truth is truth). While I crack my molars and lacerate my gums on a wing that is
dry enough to masquerade as a Nando's starter (my bad, I did it again, but truth
is truth), I fantasise about a meal I shared with my beloved early on a
Saturday morning at my Centurion outlet, after a heavy night clubbing. That,
good people, felt like heaven allowed the Colonel a few more minutes on this
wretched earth to bring a smile to a weary face. Notice that I fantasise about
the meal and not what happened afterwards. I LOVE KFC!!!
- The president street store is situated near FNB Bank City; where the most innovative bank in the world, packs in their most innovative call centre agents, and they flock in their most innovative new uniforms, holding their most innovative bank card, yearning for the SAME OLD TRIED AND TESTED GOODNESS FROM GOOD OL' COLONEL SANDERS. And they all too often fall foul (I love chicken puns) to the same old problem of the card machine not working. So the innovative workforce from the most innovative bank goes to the most innovative murderer of chickens, Dorego's :'(
I weep at the thought of so many chickens that gave their lives in the service of man, only to be turned into red cardboard.
There are many, many reasons why that store should be shut down to save your great reputation, or be given a kick in between the side breasts so it brings its standards up.
They have an office in the kitchen, the kitchen is dirty, the staff don't care (there's one gentleman who is really good, unfortunately I didn't get his name, I'll be sure to fix that), the chicken pieces are much smaller than normal, the food is cold, the cool drinks are warm etc..
I would like to go into all of them,
but I'm losing my sense of humour. Please help us, please help them, and please
help the innocent child whose first KFC experience could be marred by that
monstrosity. Yes! DO IT FOR THE KIDS!!!
Do it for the most innovative bank in
the world. Do it for the insurance company that was around when
Jan Van Riebeeck's mastered the side parking at Cape Point. Do it for the Game
employees next door who have to see the sulking faces walking out of that
establishment's doors. Do it for ME, the boy who was given a KFC drumstick bone
when he was too young to eat meat, and fell in love.
Mpho Mabitsela
Avid Lover of chicken, KFC chicken
Friday, 15 February 2013
I really want to get a better understanding of our country’s
political landscape so last night i took another crack at watching the State of
the Nation address. The weather in Cape
Town, land of our home grown refugees and fellow “clever blacks”, was perfect
and the fashion police had turned a blind eye to the not so glamorous red
carpet (no bribes required). This is also probably the only time you’ll ever
see the blue light brigade moving slower than service delivery on our roads.
The ma of the moment President Jacob Zuma pulled up in a horribly large
Mercedes Benz mini bus previously used by Pope John Paul II. It surely had
Toyota Quantum drivers and other ambitious Zulu boys losing their minds with
Citizen number 1 gave his address with the flu and i only
hoped this wouldn’t ruin the rumour he usually spices up his political
addresses with. He also opened by mentioning that he had shared some ideas with
some of our high school students, which was a nice touch. We can’t have FNB
getting all that school kid action. I think high School Musical just got a
political twist. Lebo M call me, I’ve got an idea that will make us rich!
I’ve never been good at paying attention to these long political moments
but I tried. The Pres went on into his key topics; education, health, crime,
employment and rural development and land reform. My listening skills,
unfortunately, quickly dropped to a level that just meets the Matric pass mark
requirement. It is always good to hear
about ongoing development and positive expenditure though. It was nice to hear
that more homes have been added to power grid, this also means of course that
there are more for Eskom to milk like they owe Clover a favour. It also pleased
me that more schools are to be built but this then again this might only mean
more textbooks will be intercepted by Dynamo “Magician Impossible”.
With regards to unemployment the gist of the issue is that
discussions with relevant stake holders are still ongoing. The word discussion sometimes sounds like a
euphemism for “we’ve put that shit on ice”.
On a more positive note miners can forward to better pay and employee
benefits in future. The term ‘wild cat’ strike still sounds too cool for events
that were so tragic. Who came up with that name and why are they letting their
obsession with cartoons affect their work?
On the education front the Matric pass rate has improved yet again,
possibly because it’s becoming easier to pass? As long as these kids know they
can’t pay 33% of the bill when they go on a Lacoste and Ultra Mel shopping
spree. And teachers so quick to reject the essential service status makes me
feel like they had strikes planned already and now JZ is about to ruin their
special leave plans. When the president addressed health and lifestyle issues I
waited for my secret crush Lindiwe Mazibuko to correct him and tell him that
it’s pronounced obesity and not obaaasity but my weight was in vain. Then he
said some stuff about land reform and the national development plan while I
went to get a chocolate from the fridge, or whatever. The Special Investigation Unit’s
activities in combating corruption are great but corruption is a plague we
won’t soon be rid of, along with poor service delivery and two-tone weaves.
J-Zuma also addressed
the status of women in the country, an issue we still need to pay way more
attention to. Gender equality and
empowerment of women are to get more attention. I can’t believe we’re still
trying to get the 50/50 thing right when Prophet Mandoza told us about it so
many years ago. Violence against women is and always will be a heavy issue
globally and i genuinely hope that one day boys and men will respect all women
like the mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, nieces and loving grandmothers
that they are.
Now i know my opinion on the State of The Nation Address is
mediocre at best but I’m taking baby steps to becoming a better citizen and
putting in more effort into understanding all facets of our political
wilderness. One day i too will share my opinion on rural development, the
ruling party’s policies and my thoughts on the second phase of the first
circumcision, which sounds really sore and unnatural by the way.
number 1 went on to close the State of The Nation Address by wishing everyone a
happy Valentine’s Day and would you expect any less from the Nkandla Casanova.
Well done sir.
![]() |
Peace ya'll |
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Bye BlackBerry
I guess you know why I had to walk away, when I walked into
that Vodashop that was an awesome day. Five Blackberry handsets later, and only
in a period of 12 months, I’m losing these phones faster than virginity gets
lost during varsity O-week. I remember
my first blackberry and how excited I was to finally chat to friends for
“free”. I took the exercise of loading
BIS for the first time as seriously as dark skinned young men take their first
car high-jack job. I’m pretty sure there
are fathers out there who don’t announce the birth of their new born baby with
half the pride that some people do when they have a new blackberry and the
almighty BBM pin to share with their friends and random sexy people. The next
step was making sure I’ve got all my necessary contacts so I can live the
unlimited communication dream, soon to be a nightmare of course. And of
course before stepping out in public with my new baby I have to flex my tech
savvy muscles and grab as much cool free stuff on BlackBerry app world as
possible. App World as we know if you’ve ever used an Android or Apple handset
is a major exaggeration because maybe App Province would have been a more
fitting name to match the limited population of that place.
The Blackberry smart phone dream never lasts long though. That little black clock that sits on the
middle of the phones screen when it’s hanging caused frustration I could only
compare to a Chicken Licken cashier’s words on a rough Saturday morning when
she informs me that they have run out of wings, as if i’m there because i can’t
resist their coleslaw. The technological abomination that is Blackberry
unfortunately means that some days you have a handset that makes mobile
communication very cost effective and convenient but other days you are the
proud owner of what i could only describe as a screen saver on steroids. But maybe the phone’s constant freezing isn’t
such a bad thing, it could just be acting as a counter measure against that
quickie-inspired battery life. I’m pretty sure that right now as I write this
there is a white Kwaito artist in the Free State bragging about how his music
career lasted five minutes longer than his Blackberry battery life. And when you think you’ve received
enough of an emotional thrashing from a silly little cell phone a troop of smug
soldiers pop up wielding their iPhones and Samsung Galaxies ready to remind you
how archaic and irrelevant your BlackBerry is. Telling them to eat a slice of
go-fuck-yourself pie would be so easy and fulfilling if only they weren’t so
right and we’re are often forced to admit that our phones are the fax machine
of the 21st century, *bbm sad face*.
I realise I haven’t spoken much about how I actually lost my
phones and have chosen to dwell mostly on how the Blackberry has so many flaws,
the reason for this is simple, I simply don’t remember any of the evenings when
I lost them. A chemical imbalance in my brain caused by ethanol and flashing
lights always accompanied the disappearance of my handsets. Although some
people also believe that there is a party goblin that follows me around on
weekends and waits for the most opportune moment, usually when my body has been
dismembered by the explosions from multiple jager-bombs, to take my phones and
find them a new owner. Which reminds me that I should give a special mention to
the hero’s out there that are the new owners of my phones, illegally, and still
choose to boldly march on with my old BBM pins. SCREW YOU!
has changed the way we communicate with each other in good and bad ways and i
am grateful for that but it’s time for me to move on. I know it won’t be in cell
phone heaven with my first phone, a Siemens C25, or my countless Nokias and odd
Sony Ericssons but it won’t be soon forgotten. It sits up there with other
major disasters like the Titanic and the back of that fat guy’s neck in the OMO
ads. Bye blackberry.
Bye Baby
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
The long arm of the pork
We all want to live in a safe and crime free South Africa
and the people we look towards to ensure this our first line of defence is the
SAPS and Metro Police. But what are we to think when our law enforcement is as
reliable as a condom with ventilation holes? Generally police do their job and
there are the few cases of bad apples. The issue I have is not with major crime
and incidents that is front page worthy. What I can’t stand is the bacon
brigade that is out on our roads looking to make a quick buck and when they
can’t do that choose to harass us just because that badge on their chest
magically puts them through law school and turns them into prosecutor and judge
all in a matter of minutes.
I was recently stopped twice in one day on the road, not by
JMPD but by the SAPS, and I had come to find that JMPD were the division more
involved in traffic violations, so seeing SAPS taking part in impromptu
road-blocks was a bit odd for me, but I guess seeing a large pork chop wearing
a blue uniform on the side of the road would be odd for anyone. And of course
being stopped on this particular day was an additional problem for me because I
was driving without my driver’s license. The police officer that stopped me in
the Wynberg area was not interested in giving me a ticket for my violation but
was rather more interested in receiving money for “a cold drink”. I informed
the human lunch-box that I didn’t have any money on me but he was very persistent.
Eventually my brother, who was with me at the time, gave him R8,05. EIGHT RAND
AND FIVE CENTS!!! And to my surprise this gentleman was as happy as a pig in
mud. This went far better than the officer that stopped me later that day. I refused
to give him a cent and he punished me not by giving me a ticket but by making
me stand by my vehicle for about half an hour while he stopped and nagged other
motorists. I for one applaud visible policing but this unfortunately has become
more about how visible their girth has made them and less about how they are
upholding the law. Surely in our democratic society we can’t stand by and watch
crime prevention tactics be replaced by bullying tactics and they are beginning
to make their presence more despicable than a fart in a packed elevator.
As strange as it may seem I wonder if I should maybe
sympathise with these officers. Are they so badly paid that they have to resort
to doing what I can only describe as a glorified version of what many homeless
people do at traffic intersections across the country? Or are they just greedy
and lazy? The majority of their waist-lines points towards the latter
unfortunately. I really want to feel for our police officers but recurring
stories of their misconduct as seen in cases such as ‘Amaberete’ along with
numerous other incidents of excessive force and recent reports of police
fire-arms going missing without any
consequence, do they deserve even an ounce of sympathy?
I would love to end this by giving our law enforcement
agencies a bit of advice but I’ve come to find that this is often received with
an officer exclaiming “are you telling me how to do my job” and followed by him
reaching for his hand-cuffs. I know this sounds crazy but yes it also seems our
not so elite crime fighters are able to arrest you for attempting to make a
suggestion. We are a wicked society aren’t we, making suggestions and knowing
our rights? How dare we?
Monday, 13 August 2012
Where opinions go to die: a GeezaAllDay and Fana The Purp collaboration

Social network
opinion terrorists (SNOT), a mental disturbance that attack three individuals
out of five. First individual (opinion maker), the second observes and laughs
(matured), the three victims come in a variety of forms.
1. The
loyalists SNOT - values and admires a certain individual, thus everything
"the star" says is fact, and is never wrong. Disagree with the star,
witness an attack of the century. A donkie raping a dog for barking at it, its
a beautiful scene - even the SPCA can be like "the dog shouldn't have
2. The
Mestrual SNOT - I'm not saying this individual is a tampon but they so close.
They overly sensitive, even if you say the rain spoiled your day, they will
want to drag God into the matter and hungry children of Ethopia, like really
now?3. Democratic SNOT - Majority rules, if the masses vote against a particular matter they join in, no validation or their own views. This type of SNOT reminds me of that dude we always punk, "today we going to the party without bathing, ashy and all, meet us there ne. Then we rock up all clean, smelling like angels and he looks like a washed up soccer star"
With that
said, social media has created micro blogging, twitter specifically. Yet it
seems we have to send the memo once again to everyone, as they fail to
comprehend the theme. There is no clause when signing up that says, "I xxx
promise to tweet, nothing but facts". Sad that, they make it a mission to
have our opinions suit their vaginas, my bad meant hearts - same thing.
Now to break it down for your we’d like to give an idea of
how these interactions take place, and keep in mind this is fictional and only
for illustrative purposes:
KnowITall: whatever, u look like Biggie
Smalls nose. Secondly, u probably listen to Apollo u Sotho cum blanket. Shut up
I love white girls with ass, black girls fall back. It’s over for u, next
season maybe
KnowiTall: That AIDS got your head
twisted bitch. I bet the white girls u get with are probably gremlins u bitch
I don't get why we think it’s wrong to vote DA just cos we're black. DA has
good ideas
KnowitAll: your kids will be gardeners,
sell out
stop bragging about drinking expensive booze, your fridge still empty and your Matric
results will not change
KnowiTall: U sour cos u can't afford
this lifestyle. I'm sure you're u using a blackberry curve u broke ass
I find dark skinned girls more appealing. They just do it for me
Knowitall: I bet you have smelly
armpits and short AF. Sies, u don't love yourself, stupid 2min man
I do agree
that opinion is and will never be fact thus to a certain extent must be
depending on
its content. The response to opinion should be in the form of debate in order
toinform, understand and/or correct. The line is crossed once, these SNOTS attack one for having an
opinion, using insults that cannot be justified. How do we link one dragging my mom in response to
my opinion on AKA's latest track.
until their rectums blow up. Opinions are like assholes, why you offended by the color of the shit my asshole excretes, get a hobby and keep it stepping.
Check more from Fana The Purp on
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound (Radio Edit)
This track makes me wanna dance like I just received a year's supply of UltraMel custard.
This track makes me wanna dance like I just got some 'special attention' from Minnie Dlamini.
Yo this track right here makes me wanna dance like Jason Derulo and Taio Cruz just got beat up until their faces looked like a half eaten Something Meaty pizza.
For real though this track makes me wanna dance like protesting outside The Goodman Gallery will guarantee jobs for my people.
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